Bets are, if you are reading this article, you’re not the one with dementia; however, you may be next in line to develop it. Perhaps that short term memory loss you’re experiencing may be a hint! The good message in all of this is that even though it’s a long road, by understanding the disease early, you can help prevent it or slow it down in yourself, your parents, and especially your children. The lifestyle changes an Alzheimer’s patient needs to undertake are what everyone of us should be living if we want to prevent this disease.
If ever there are effective drugs, it’s unlikely many of us will take them in our lifetime.
Right now, our best bet for prevention of Alzheimer’s or Pre-Alzheimer’s patients alike is an evaluation and optimization of lifestyle habits. Poor habits, cardiovascular disease, metabolic inflexibility, imbalanced trophic factors, toxic exposures over time, may walk you right into the oblivion called Dementia.
If not in balance, your brain will down regulate your cognitive neurons as a survival technique to be sure you can still breathe and maintain bare organismal existence. If in balance, your brain will store short term memories and maintain cognitive awareness. It really is just that simple. We’re a set of switches and if the right ones are not turned on in the right position, we move into a state called “disease”.
Since I am a Functional Medicine Practitioner, I believe meeting the demands of those switches will up-regulate our bodies and keep us on the path of health. We just have to find our switches! Right now, that is through a good history of our life up to the present. As we continue to unfold the mysteries of life, we will one day, be able to control all of this. Perhaps even breed only the good switches into all humans; but for now, we can’t. We are still inside a black box hunting for that one balloon to pop. The good thing is that the lights are beginning to glow faintly, and we are beginning to see the outline of the room.
The greatest Prevention tool we have right now is stepping on a scale and knowing your BMI. If you are over a BMI of 24.9 you are metabolically on your way to Dementia and you had better do something about it.
Remember 80% of people with Insulin Resistance or Diabetes Type 2 will go on to get Dementia or as it is known today as Diabetes Type 3.
Biohacking: is the millennial's answer to an inadequate medical system. They are moving way beyond tradition and are asking questions and finding answers that tradition has not even approached.
NEWS has been biohacking since the 1990's because in biohacking there is a mutual respect between patient and doctor. We encourage medical partnering; in fact, Functional Medicine does not work if doctor and patient do not work together.
Today we know that if you want to avoid Alzheimer’s and possibly other dementias, you should live the following Lifestyle Habits. We also know that by making them your daily “mantras” you will move away from Dementia.
So, follow the below Lifestyle hacks